Sfmc automation studio
Sfmc automation studio

If the data is being manually imported and cleaned, then it is best to use Automation Studio to automate this process using import activity and SQL queries.If there are multiple campaigns running with different segments, it’ll be useful to have a naming convention and folder structure setup.API calls can be used for advanced integration and the performance is better compared to lists. The reasons being, they are scalable and query activity can be used to perform advanced segmentation. Unless the audience size is too small (Always work in TLS and secure your code as you are dealing with confidential information.Create data extensions by using primary keys to enable performances and apply indexes to the data.Instead, use AMPScript/GTL to achieve the desired functionality. It is not recommended to use SSJS scripts within emails since their performance is slow.If AMPScript is used for personalization, the attribute ought to have a default value.Host the images in content builder for best performance.Import the content that you need rather than importing everything together.Have a folder structure and naming convention in place to organize content builder assets.Get accustomed to reading validation errors for quick amendment of errors.Use notification services to get instant alerts and resolve the issues.If SAP is purchased and activated, warm up the IP correctly before sending bulk emails.Utilize Roles and Permissions to make sure only authorized users have access to Marketing Cloud features.

sfmc automation studio

  • Have two admin accounts so that you can have one account as a failsafe option in case of any inadvertent circumstances.
  • sfmc automation studio

    Enable enhanced FTP to ensure the highest level of security and facilitate the automation of data import processes.Use accelerators to understand how the system will work for you.Keep in mind that every contact will be counted as a contact whether you send to them or not.With all that said, let’s delve deeper into the best practices that you should follow when it comes to using SFMC. It owes the immense popularity to the ease with which marketers could build, deploy, and analyze the email campaigns barring any technical skills or complicated hardware systems. It allows you to know the customers and personalize their experience to increase engagement but understand that SFMC is not a CRM system but a Marketing Automation tool.

    sfmc automation studio

    Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) is a “simple-to-use” eMarketing Software that enables a consistent and smooth experience along each touchpoint of the customer with the help of integrated marketing tools such as Journey Builder, Email Studio, Mobile Studio, Advertising Studio, and Data Studio to name a few.

    Sfmc automation studio